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Protecting You From Life's Risks

Personal Insurance is just that, it's personal for each person or family.

This type of insurance covers your personal belongings and incidents that happen in your personal space like a home or car.


It covers you for liability if something happens and it covers your personal property in case of things such as fire, accidents, theft, and more.

This is different for each situation so it's imperative that we speak briefly and identify what you need for coverage and how much to insure it for.

Our Insurance Options

Auto Insurance

Car, Motorcycle, ATV and more. Rates vary from company to company, I'll find the best fit for your situation.


An Umbrella is an extra layer of protection that extends over your auto & home insurance. We can discuss your specific needs for this type of insurance 

Flood Insurance

Every inch of water can equal $25,000 in damages. 25% of all flood claims come from property outside a flood zone. So it is something to consider.

We can save you money, provide better service, and cover your all your insurance needs
We have every major carrier and some specialty carriers for every type of risk
so we can get you the best coverage at the best premium.
Once the insurance is placed, not only will you have me but you will have a dedicated customer service rep for your policies.

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